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Monday, October 4, 2010

This Week's Happenings

After another beautiful fall weekend in Gunnison, City employees are hard at work around town. Parking spaces and centerline paint stiping will take place on the newly paved 100 Blocks of West Virginia and West Georgia Avenues. Slurry sealing of streets has been canceled for this year due to the cooler temperatures. The contractor was unable to get to Gunnison earlier this year for more favorable conditions. Street work continues on the extension of West Tomichi Avenue (west of 10th Street). Clay soils were encountered when the asphalt was removed, and this unstable material needs to be removed and replaced prior to asphalt being placed on the street. We're hoping for asphalt to go down this Thursday or Friday. Street preparation work, in the form of new concrete drain pans being poured, is taking place on West Bidwell Avenue. Once this concrete work is accomplished, pavement will be placed. The intersection of West New York at South Boulevard will be the next damaged street to be torn out and replaced with new asphalt. Again, the Streets crew appreciates your cooperation in driving around these construction projects. Once re-done, the streets are well-worth the effort and inconvenience.
Out at the Bridge-to-Bridge Trail section on the west edge of town, concrete will be poured for the walls and east bridge footer. This work is best accomplished at low water conditions.
The Electric Crew has placed the underground conduit across WSC's property at the old Ruland School site and they are now pulling the primary electric cable through the conduit. Once the cable is placed, the old overhead electric line will be taken down. This should improve the visual aesthetics of the WSC entry corridor.

Remember - City irrigation ditch water will be turned off late Monday, October 4th or early October 5th. Pull and drain your ditch pump to prevent damage.

The Parks Crew is busy putting the parks grounds "to bed" for the season and are prepping the indoor ice rink for opening next Sunday, October 10th. Fall Recreation programs continue.
The Finance Department is busy processing the October utility bills. These are due by October 10th. The Department is also working on the 2011 City Budget. The budget will be formally presented to Council on October 12th.
The City Clerk's Department is in the initial stages of the new City website development and is processing the case load from the last two weeks of Municipal Court sessions. We're even starting the initial preparations for next spring's Regular Municipal Election.

At the Tuesday, October 5th City Council Work Session meeting, your elected officials will be discussing budget issues. These include: a street plaza; grants and contracts for service; and the Gunnison Housing Authority. Also being discussed is the old City Shop asbestos abatement and an update on the slurry seal project. The public is encouraged to attend City Council meetings.