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Thursday, October 28, 2010

Bridging the Gap

The new Bridge-to-Bridge Trail pedestrian/bicycle bridge has been placed over the Gunnison River south of the twin Highway 50 bridges. Lacy Construction, contractor for the project, brought in a crane on Wednesday and the metal bridge was lifted into place and secured to the concrete bridge footers. The concrete bridge decking will now be poured, surrounding dirt work will be finished and the trail river crossing project will be completed. What a great trails amenity!
Gunnison County is working just below the bridge and trail site on placing boulders in the river for the new Gunnison Whitewater Park water feature. Not only will the new feature be fun and challenging for rafters and kayakers and provide some enticing pools for "fisherpersons", it will also enhance the existing irrigation ditch diversion structure at that location.