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Monday, July 19, 2010

Week of July 19th

It was a fun and busy weekend in Gunnison. Many thanks go out to the Cattlemen's Days Committee for all of their hard work in putting on their annual event. It brought a lot of folks to town and always provides a great western venue for locals and visitors alike. A lot of folks say that summer is all downhill after Cattlemen's Days. But - there is still a lot to do in Gunnison! This blog will help to keep you informed as to some of the "goings-on" in our community.

But first....This week the Streets & Alleys crews will start on the City right-of-way work on the 100 block of North Wisconsin. The large cottonwood stumps will be removed and eventually the concrete will be replaced and new tress will be planted in the area. The 2010 slurry seal bids and tree grinding bids will be opened today at the Public Works Shop. The Electric Crew continues with electric line maintenance (a never-ending but crucial task) and with taking down and putting up banners and flags over Tomichi Avenue. The Water/Sewer Crew continues with videoing the sewer lines in preparation of slip-lining the interior of the problem pipes later in the summer. Slip-lining corrects a sewerline leak without having to dig up the entire pipe. Lexan windows are being installed in the new RTA bus shelter on North 11th Street. And of course - street sweeping and refuse collection continues every work day. The Recreation employees continue with the fun summer recreation programs and are now making preparations for the fall and winter programs! It's hot outside but they are already thinking about football, hockey and cross-country skiing. The Parks crews are working to keep all of the parks facilities and amenities in shape and safe for the multitude of summer events and activites. Finance is processing the June sales tax receipts and the June utility bills. The Clerk's Department team is revamping the off-site records storage facility and preparing for a busy Municipal Court session on Wednesday afternoon.

Tomorrow evening at City Council, your elected officials will be holding a work session meeting where they will discuss a Challenge Grant Application from the Colorado Straw Bale Association to hold their annual conference in Gunnison on September 18th and 19th. Council will also review a Challenge Grant Application for the Gunnison Mud Runs to be held in Gunnison on August 14th at the Rodeo Grounds. A License Agreement Application from the Gunnison Arts Center will be discussed. The Arts Center would like to place two signs on City Right-of-Way and this requires a License Agreement to be approved by City Council. A representative of the Gunnison Rising applicants will come before Council with a request regarding the City's subdivision requirements and the Council-approved Gunnison Rising Annexation Agreement. Police Chief Keith Robinson will give Council an update on next week's visit from the Hell's Angels motorcycle group and there will be a discussion on the 2009 City Audit. As always, information on these topics can be found on the City website at http://www.cityofgunnison-co.gov/council/epackets/default.htm

The City Planning & Zoning Commission will be meeting on Wednesday at 7pm and will be discussing and acting upon a Conditional Use Application for the Gunnison Valley Hospital epansion project and on a resolution recommending the approval of the VanTuyl Ranch Management Plan. Again, information concerning the P&Z meeting and the VanTuyl Ranch Master Plan can be found at www.cityofgunnison-co.gov/community_development_planning/planning_default.htm

If you have questions about what's happening in the City Departments or want to get a comment to your elected officials, call 641-8080 and we will direct you to the right person. Have a great week!