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Friday, July 16, 2010

Busy Week - Busier Weekend

City employees had a busy week. The Public Works crews removed the cottonwood trees from North Wisconsin Street across from City Hall. The Water & Sewer crew continued with the sewer line inspection work and the crew out at the Wastewater Treatment Plant on McCabe Lane kept everything flowing down hill. It's not a pretty job but it's one of the most important jobs in the City! The Police Department, Parks & Recreation crews and Streets & Alley crews are busy with preparations for the upcoming Cattlemen's Days weekend events. It takes a lot of coordination to assist with all of the events. The Community Development Department is working on several Challenge Grant and License Agreement applications, finalizing the last draft of the VanTuyl Ranch Master Plan, conducting inspections of the Cattlemen's Days Carnival, reviewing plans for the new hospital expansion and inspections at the High School renovation project.

This weekend is one of the busiest of the year in Gunnison. This evening - take the kids out to Dive at 5 Friday at the Community Pool. For a $1.00 admission, kids can participate in supervised fun games in the pool. The live music of Tyler Hanson can be heard for free on the Arts Center Patio starting at 5pm. There is public viewing of the night sky both Friday and Saturday nights at the Gunnison Valley Observatory starting at 8pm. The GVO is located south of Gunnison on Gold Basin Road across from the Hartman Rocks Recreation area. Put on your jeans, boots and cowboy hat and then "mosey" over to the Cattlemen's Days Rodeo and Carnival at the County Rodeo Grounds located south of Safeway on Spruce Street. If you're not too tired, you can finish your Friday night (and Saturday night too) by dancing at the Elk's Lodge on South Main Street. For a complete schedule of Cattlemen's Days events go to http://www.cattlemensdays.com/

Start your Saturday morning at the IOOF Park on the corner of Main and Virginia with the 1st Annual Gunnison Kiwanis Pancake Breakfast. All you can eat flapjacks (pancakes) can be had starting at 7am and going until the pancakes are gone! All proceeds fund youth projects in the community. The Duster's Main Street Mile starts at 9am at the North City Limits on N. Main Street/Highway 135 and the run heads south down Main Street. It's your chance to stretch your legs before sitting down on the curb and watching the annual Gunnison Cattlemen's Days Parade at 10am. The parade theme this year is "My, how time flies!" After the parade, roam through the weekly Gunnison Farmer's Market on the 100 Block of East Virginia Avenue and pick up fresh fruits and veggies, eggs and meats, delectable baked goods, some west slope wine and beautiful arts and craft items from talented local artists. For lunch there are lots of Cattlemen's Days lunch events or stop in one of the local restaurants for some delicious "western grub". Saturday afternoon is the Junior Livestock Auction followed by the PRCA Rodeo and the carnival in the evening.
Sunday will wrap up this year's Cattlemen's Days. There will be the horse race meet at the rodeo grounds. Get out and enjoy the outdoor recreation surrounding Gunnison then finish out the weekend with a picnic supper (from one of our great local restaurants) on the lawn at Legion Park and enjoy the free live music of "Rock Bottom" during the Gunnison Art Center's Sundays at 7 program. All of the City staff and employees wish everyone a safe and fun Cattlemen's Days weekend! Yee-haw!