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Monday, July 26, 2010

This Week in Gunnison

It's warm and sunny in Gunnison and we hope you are all enjoying the summer. City employees are busy serving our citizens and visitors. The Refuse Crew continues to convert City dumpsters for pickup by the new automated refuse truck. The Electric Crew is busy with tree trimming following some of our very windy afternoon and evening storms. If the loose branches are not removed they can fall on the lines and cause a widespread power outage. They are also performing some power factor work at the WAPA (Western Area Power Administration) substation behind the City shops on West Virginia Avenue. The Water Crew is working on repairing a water leak in the 300 block of South 12th Street and will be working on a water service upgrade to the Catholic Church Parish Hall renovation project. The bids for the 2010 street improvements project will be opened today at 2pm. Street sweeping continues. The Parks Crew is busy with Parks maintenance. It's an unending job in the summer trying to keep the parks in good shape between all of the events that are held in the parks. The Recreation Staff finished up the summer youth baseball program last week. The Finance Department has processed this month's utility bills and customers should be receiving those any time. Remember - they are due on the 10th of the month. The Municipal Court staff had a very full Court docket last week and follow-up continues on these cases. Summer is still in full swing and all City employees are busy with summertime projects. The Building Official continues inspections on the HIgh School construction project as they are trying to get everything ready for the return of the students in not too many weeks time!

Tomorrow night at the 7pm City Council meeting, the Councilors will hear pubic input on the issuance of a 3.2% beer permit at the local Wal-Mart Store. The Gunnison-Crested Butte Tourism Association will give a quarterly update on their activities. The presentation of the 2009 City Audit has been postponed and an extension is being requested of the State Auditors Office. Council will possibly take action on the Challenge Grant Applications from the Colorado Strawbale Association Annual Conference and the Gunnison Mud Runs. They will consider the License Agreement Application from the Gunnison Arts Center to place 2 signs on City Right-of-Way to advertise activities at their facility. Possible action will also take place on the aquisition of water rights in the Whipp Ditch on the VanTuyl Ranch and the Wal-Mart 3.2% Beer application. Council will consider the passage of a Resolution regarding the November State Ballot Measures: Proposition 101 and Amendments 60 and 61. Police Chief Robinson will give Council a semi-annual report on the activities of the Gunnison Police Department. As always - the public is always welcome at City Council meetings. Have a wonderful week!