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Monday, June 27, 2011

City Council Happenings

After a busy summer weekend in the City, the City Council will be addressing a number of issues on Tuesday night at 7pm in the Council Chambers of City Hall.

Council will be talking with the Gunnison Arts Center about the "Sundays at 6" event held Sunday evenings at Legion Park throughout the summer months. Council will take action on a sewer slipline contract, an easement agreement on Bidwell Avenue, and a letter of support for the Historic Designation of the American Legion Hut building in Legion Park. Council will also approve the contract with Great Outdoors Colorado for improvements at the South Teller Street Baseball field and approve the internal transfer of budgeted 2011 funds. The City Clerk will present the Clerk's Department semi-annual report.

As alsways - the public is welcome and encouraged to attend City Council meetings.

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