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Monday, June 25, 2012

Wet and Wild Weekend

There were thrills and spills on the River this weekend!  Friday night saw the opening festivities of the Gunnison River Festival.  Music in Legion Park, provided by "Tornado Rider" started off the fun.  There were women on stilts, dancing toddlers, burgers grilling and hoola-hoopers!  Saturday morning
Saturday Farmers' Market

Fun at Legion Park
 was the opening of the annual Farmers' Market located downtown adjacent to the IOOF Park.  Even though it's early in the growing season, there was a variety of produce, crafts, wine from the Mountain View Winery out of Olathe, Colorado, and yummy baked goods.   
Kayak competitors
 The River Festival continued at the Whitewater Park just west of town.  Since it was a hot day - 90
Hooligan Race Winner
degrees is HOT for Gunnison, lots of folks cooled off in the River.  With this year's lower water flows, it's a perfect place to have some water fun.  The river was full of rafts, kayaks, kids, bikinis, buff bods, and a variety of dogs! 
One of the highlights of the festival was the citizen's Hooligan Raft Race.  An assortment of hand crafted rafts floated through
the three water features at the park in hopes of staying upright and with all of the participants on the raft at the end of the race!  Logan McDonald, riding an exerciser-glider strapped to his raft, made it through the water feature waves - almost - and won the race.   

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