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Monday, April 25, 2011

City Council at Work

The City Council will hold their Regular Session meeting tomorrow night - Tuesday, April 26th, starting at 7pm, in the City Council Chambers of City Hall, 201 W. Virginia Avenue in Gunnison.

They will be discussing and taking action on the following topics:
The Farmer's Market Multi-Day Special Events Permit;
Danial Gray will speak with Council concerning the City Noise Ordinance;
The Gunnison Glory Climbing Event Applicaiton for a Challenge Grant in the Amount of $1000;
A request from the Gunnison WhiteWater Park managers for a Contract for Service to purchase webcams for the Whitewater Park;
An Easement on the Wilson Property at the east edge of Gunnison;
2nd Reading of an Additional Appropriations to the 2011 Budget Ordinance;
1st Reading on the Youth Tobacco Ordinance;
1st Reading on the Lease Purchase of a Used 2009 Sterling Tandem Dump Truck;
The Parks & Recreation Department Semi-Annual Report on their activities; and
a variety of Staff and City Councilor reports.
To view the packet information go to: http://www.cityofgunnison-co.gov/council/epackets/Default.htm or contact the City Clerks Office at gail@cityofgunnison-co.gov

As Always - the public is always welcome and encouraged to attend City Council meetings!

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