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Friday, March 11, 2011

What's Happeneing on Main Street?

The City Streets and Water Crews have started replacing the downtown irrigation ditches. The City crews are responsible for demolitioon on the existing deteriorating concrete ditch pans. Schmalz Construction has been contracted to place the new pre-cast concrete ditch pans. A grant from the Department of Local Affairs (DOLA) is helping to pay for this much needed project. Once the ditch pans are placed, new ornamental ditch grates will be set in place.

The crews are starting on the west side of the 300 Block of North Main Street. Work will progress south along the west side on Main Street to the Tomichi/Highway 50 interection. The crews will then cross over and proceed north on the east side of Main Street to the north end of the 300 Block. This process allows the workers to go "with the flow" of traffic to enhance the safety of the workers, drivers and pedestrians.

Please drive slowly through the work zone and give the crews plenty of room! The project will be well worth any slight delays.