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Thursday, December 30, 2010

Mayor's End-of-Year Message

Whew! We survived! Those were the first words to come to mind when I began to think about a year-end letter. The City of Gunnison has weathered the recession better than many of our peers. Thanks in large measure to cautious budgeting, patient employees who endured another year of frozen pay while continuing to work as hard as ever, and scaled back projects. At the same time, City utilities and services continued without any degradation. The City has been able to maintain a healthy cash reserve as well. No drawing down our reserves to keep things running!

Not only have we survived, I believe we have positioned our community to thrive. The City has fully implemented an automated refuse collection system that encourages recycling through a "pay as you throw" rate structure and manages operational costs by requiring fewer employees.

The City of Gunnison hosted and sponsored events - from the NIght of LIghts to Rage in the Sage to 4th of July & Cattlemen's Days to Car Show & WOW, Sea to Shining Sea Veterans Ride and the Bicycle Tour of Colorado, Public Safety Exposition at Jorgensen and Gunnison River Festival, Diamonds in the Rockies, fishing and Outdoor Sports Derby, Gunsmoke-in-Gunnison, the Mud Run, and Carvin' Up Colorado - to name a few...AND I'll mention planning for the Quizno's Pro Challenge in 2011. Have you noticed the number of hockey tournaments being held in our ice facilities? Youth hockey has emerged as an important economic force in our community.

We have worked to prepare our community for the future as well. The City has worked with Gunnison Rising to adopt ordinances accepting the annexation and zoning the property for the Division of Wildlife's Discovery Center. A long-range plan for the development of the Van Tuyl Ranch has been adopted and we have taken the first steps toward completion of the "Bridge-to-Bridge" trail. The City has helped high school and college groups to support the hugely successful RTA ground transportation program by building several shelters at bus stops.

We have further helped our community by obtaining state and federal grant monies to fund park improvements, streetscape changes, and renewable energy facilities. Nearly all those outside dollars went to local businesses for construction and implementation.

Welcome 2011: we will tackle our challenges; we will keep our heads up; and we will seek more opportunities to make Gunniosn the best place to live and work. Thank you all for the privilege of serving this wonderful community!
Stu Ferguson, City of Gunnison Mayor