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Monday, August 23, 2010

What a Weekend

Thanks goes out to all of the organizations that put in huge amounts of planning and execution efforts for all of the great events that took place in Gunnison this past weekend. A special thanks goes out to all of the City employees that helped make each of these events a smooth-running reality. The Streets & Alleys crew for all of the barricading work, Police Department for traffic control, Communications/Dispatch for taking emergency calls, Refuse crew for picking up all of the mountains of generated trash and the Parks & Recreation crew for all of their event work.

The Carvin' Up Colorado woodcarving event was spectaular. If you didn't get a chance to see the carvers in action, the finished wood sculptures are on display at Legion Park. First place went to Ken Braun's "Predators". Second place went to Tom Zimmer for his "Circle of Life" and third Place went to Forrest Dorman's "Wildlife Experience". The hollowed-out bear, "Ol' Sppoky" carved by Stevie Songer, was the People's Choice Award winner. Congratulations to all of the talented carvers.

The Gunnison Car Club's 23rd Annual Car Show was a success. The "Rev Tones" provided great music on Friday evening. Mayor Stu Ferguson presented a City proclamation to Wil Cooksey - "The Man Who SAved Corvette". Mr. Cooksey was honored with having the weekend declared "Wil Cooksey Days in the City of Gunnison". He was a wealth of information on the Corvette cars. The Car Show's Annual Mayor's Trophy was awarded by Mayor Stu Ferguson to a 1931 Ford Pickup Truck that is lovingly and carefully under construction. The Best of Show Trophy was awarded to a black, "checkered flag-themed" Corvette.

The 24 hrs. in the Sage was well attended out at Hartman Rocks. Intrepid mountain bike riders toughed it out over 12 hour and 24 hour time period races. That's an amazing amount of biking! Congratulations to all of the racers and finishers.