We Want You To Know What We're Doing

Read Below to Find Out What Is Happening at the City of Gunnison

Go to the City's website http://www.cityofgunnison-co.gov/ for detailed information

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

City Council This Evening

City Council will be meeting in a 5th Tuesday Work Session this evening starting at 7pm in the Gunnison City Council Chambers, on the 2nd floor of City Hall, 201 W. Virginia Avenue. Council will be discussing strategic planning and the policy direction they would like to undertake during the next two years. Council reorganized on May 16th with the inclusion of two new members - Bob Drexel and Ed Seymour.
As always - the public is welcome and encouraged to attend these meetings. Information to be discussed at the meeting can be found in the Council e-packet at: www.cityofgunnison-co.gov/council/epackets/default.htm For more information, you may also call 641-8140.

It was a GREAT Weekend

Despite the windy conditions, it was a great outdoor recreation weekend in Gunnison. There were three BIG Rage in the Sage events at Hartman Rocks this weekend. The 24 Hours of Gunnison Glory climbing event started Friday evening at Hartman Rocks. Saturday morning saw runners heading out for the annual 25k and 50k Sage Burner Running Races at Hartman Rocks. Then 7am Sunday morning saw 350 mountain bikers at the downtown Gunnison IOOF Park starting line. With the starting shotgun blast of Mayor Jonathan Houck, the riders rode down Tomichi and out to Hartman Rocks where the race started up Kill Hill.

A huge amount of thanks goes out to the organizers and sponsors of these three events. They really bring a lot of folks to our community. Kudos too to all of the City crews from Public Works, Parks & Recreation and the Police Department, without whom, these events wouldn't take place.

Friday, May 27, 2011

City Memorial Day Schedule

City of Gunnison offices will be closed on Monday, May 30th in Observance of the Memorial Day Holiday. As always, the Police Department Officers, Fire Department Volunteers and Communications emergency services personnel will be on duty serving the citizens.

REFUSE PICKUP - No Pickup on Monday. If your trash is normally picked up on Monday, your trash will be picked up on Tuesday, May 31st. Please call 641-8020 if you have any questions.

The Gunnison Community Center will be Open from 8am to 9pm on Monday. May 30th. There will be NO early morning lap swimming on Monday. The Parks & Recreation Offices will be CLOSED in observance of Memorial Day. If you have any questions please call 641-8060.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Summer Camp Adventure

Looking for some adventure-filled activities for your children to participate in this summer? Check out the Summer Adventure Camp hosted by Gunnison Parks & Recreation. Hiking, biking, rafting, basketball, kickball, rock climbing, swimming, baseball, arts & crafts, gardening, bowling and multiple field trips are just some of the FUN activities included in the Summer Adventure Camp.
Camp is held Monday through Friday, 7:30am to 5:30pm, starting Tuesday, May 31st through August 26th. Participant-Campers will meet each morning at the Indoor Ice Rink at Jorgensen Park.
You can drop-in to the Adventure Camp for $30 per day or sign up for an entire month at a discounted rate. Payment plans are available! Contact Gunnison Parks & Recreation at 641-8060 or go to the Gunnison Community Center at 200 East Spencer Avenue in Gunnison for more information or to sign up. Have an adventurous summer!

Monday, May 23, 2011

Batter Up - Play Ball!

Summer Adult Softball is starting next week. Get a team together and join in the MANDATORY Manager's Meeting on Thursday, May 26th, at 6pm at the Gunnison Community Center, 200 East Spencer Avenue in Gunnison.
There is a league for every playing ability. City Recreation is offering coed competitive, coed recreational, coed leisure, women's, men's competitive and men's recreational leagues. Coed is Tuesdays and Thursdays, Men's is Mondays and Wednesdays, and the Women's League will play on Wednesday. All games are played at the Jorgensen Recreation Complex Ballfields on East Tomichi Avenue. Games start on Tuesday, May 31st - so hurry and get your team together! For more information call Dan V at 641-8422.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

New Council Mayor

At the City Council Reorganization meeting on Monday night, May 16th, the Council unanimously selected Councilor Jonathan Houck to be the Mayor for the next two years and Councilor Ellen Harriman to serve as the Mayor Pro Tem.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Summer Recreation Program Registration

Registration for summer recreation programs starts Monday, May 16th!! You can register online at www.GunnisonRec.com, call 641-8060, or stop by the Community Center at 200 East Spencer Avenue in Gunnison. You can also view the online virtual brochure at www.tinyurl.com/gunnisonsummerprograms. Hard copy brochures are available at the Community Center and at City Hall in Gunnison.
Please note, 6-8 and 9-10 Baseball will be starting earlier than in years past. It will start on May 23rd. There will be a mandatory skills evaluation starting on Monday, May 23rd through Thursday, May 26th from 5-6pm at the softball fields in Jorgensen park. To help create teams in a timely fashion, we need to have anyone interested in playing to sign up BEFORE May 23rd.
Have a great Summer!!

Wednesday, May 11, 2011


On Monday, May 16th, Gunnison County Emergency Management will be holding an exercise of one if its primary public notification systems. The system is called Target Notification, and by using reverse phone technology, this allows authorities to send emergency notification phone calls to all land-lines in the county as well as to cell phone users who have subscribed to this service.
For the exercise of May 16th, at some point during the day, you will receive a pre-recorded phone message stating that "this is a test of the Target Notification System". The message will also contain a breif explanation of how to register your cell phone on this system. The phone call requires NO ACTION ON YOUR PART, other than registering your cell phone on the system if you choose to do so. To register your cell phone with Target Notification, please go to the Gunnison County website at http://www.gunnisoncounty.org/.
For more information , please contact Gunnison County Emergency Management at 641-2481 or smorrill@gunnisoncounty.org

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

2011 Election Results

Unofficial 2011 City of Gunnison Election Results

City Council Vacancies
Robert E. Drexel - 540 Votes - 4 year term
Jonathan D. Houck - 483 Votes - 4 year term
Ed Seymour - 402 Votes - 2 year term
Jim Gelwicks - 341 Votes - not elected
Greg Larson - 281 Votes - not elected
Kenneth Scott Frazier - 265 Votes - not elected

Ballot Question 1 - Allow Medical Marijuana Dispensaries and Associated Facilities in the City
Yes: 441 votes
NO: 589 votes

Ballot Question 2 - Place an Additional 5% Sales Tax on Medical Marijuana
Yes: 566 Votes
No: 469 Votes

Total Ballots Issued: 1911
Total # Ballots Cast: 1056
Total # Ballots Returned as Undeliverable: 133
Total # of Verified Countable Ballots: 1051
Total # of Spoiled Ballots: 5
Voter Participation: 55.3%

The results are unofficial until the election results are canvassed and certified by the Election Commission on Friday, May 13, 2011.

Friday, May 6, 2011

City Election Update

VOTE! The 2011 Regular Municipal Election is well underway. 6 candidates vying for three Council seats and two ballot questions regarding medical marijuana are on the ballot.
Ballots were mailed to active registered City electors on Tuesday, April 19th. As of today, Friday, May 6th, 724 ballots have been returned to the City Clerk's Department. The ballots will be counted starting next Tuesday afternoon, May 10th. The polls will be open 7am to 7pm on Tuesday, May 10th.
If you are a registered City elector that hasn't received their mail ballot, please call the Clerk's office at 641-8140 for assistance. TO BE COUNTED, ALL BALLOTS MUST BE RECEIVED IN THE CITY CLERK'S OFFICE BY 7PM ON TUESDAY, MAY 10TH.

Gymnastics or Tennis Anyone?

The Gunnison Parks & Recreation Department will be providing professional tennis instruction with USPTA-certified instructor Jaylen Musselman from The Club at Crested Butte. Ages 5-14 years and all abilities are welcome to learn strokes, rules and ethics of a lifetime sport. A tennis racquet and non-marking (white soled) shoes are required. Please remember to bring water and dress appropriately. Classes will be held at the CharMar Park Tennis Courts. The dates are Tuesdays and Thursdays: May 10th, 12th, 17th, 19th and 24th. Times are: 4-5pm for 5 to 9 year olds; and 5-6pm for 10-14 year olds. The fee is $29 for Community Center members and $31 for Non-members. Sign up at www.Gunnisonrec.com, call 641-8060 for more information, or stop by the Gunnison Community Center at 200 East Spencer.

Open Gymnastics will be held from May 6th through June 3rd from 5 to 6:30pm in the Gunnison Community Center Gymnastics Room. 5 participants are need to run a class and classes are open for anyone. Children 4 years old and under must have a parent to participate with them. The cost is $3 for members and $5 for non-members for each class. Call 641-8060 for more information.