We Want You To Know What We're Doing

Read Below to Find Out What Is Happening at the City of Gunnison

Go to the City's website http://www.cityofgunnison-co.gov/ for detailed information

Monday, May 12, 2014

Congratulations Grads!

The City of Gunnison extends its CONGRATULATIONS to all of the 2014 Western State Colorado Univesity graduates.  We're proud of each of you and wish you all of the best in your future endeavors. 

If you're moving on, be sure and come back and visit Gunnison.  We'd love to see you.

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

City Council Work Session

The City Council met last night, Tuesday, May 6th, for their scheduled Work Session meeting. 

Frank Kugel, General Manager of the Upper Gunnison River Water Conservancy District and George Sibley, one of the City Represenatives on the Gunnison Basin Water Roundtable, gave the Council an update on water issues.  The Gunnison Basin water pack is currently at 106% of normal.  Taylor Reservoir is full and Blue Mesa Reservoir water levels are rising.  The April runoff, as measured on the East River at Almont, was the third highest flows since records have been kept.  Due to water requirements for endangered fish species in the Whitewater area downstrem, Blue Mesa will not completly fill this summer. 
Mr. Sibley gave an overview of the Gunnison Basin Rountable activities.  The Basin Roundtable has defined "Protecting exisitng water uses in the Gunnison Basin" as it's priority goal. 
Current City Council

City Water Superintendent Joe Doherty gave Council a quick update on this summers sewer pipe slip lining project.  A liner will be inserted into existing old sewer pipe and then it is inflated and set in place.  The process extends the useful life of the sewer pipe by over 50 years and doesn't require the pipe to be dug up to be improved.  This saves money and doesn't disrupt the surrounding residents and businesses.

City Manager Ken Coleman gave Council an update on plans for this summer's USA Pro Cycling event.  The City will host the Stage 3 start on Wednesday morning, August 20th.  The festival area has been moved to the 100 block of south Main Street.  The Local Organizing Committee (LOC) has been hard at work on the main event and on ancillary events in the community.  Details will be provided in later posts. 

Monday, May 5, 2014

Ana's Pledge Event

Here are some of the participants in Saturday's Ana's Pledge Bike Safety Rodeo at Lake School.  Again, thanks to all of the great volunteers for making this important event happen! 
Learning skills on the obstacle course

Proud participant earning the Ana's Pledge T-Shirt

Learning about starting and stopping on the bike course

A Spiderman Safety Helmet is Great!

Spring has Sprung!

Having some technical difficulties resolved, we are now able to resume posting on the City Blog.  So sorry for the delay. When technology works it's great-when it doesn't it is VERY frustrating :-) 

Spring has arrived in the Gunnison High Country.  This past Saturday saw the 3rd Annual Ana's Pledge Bike Safety Rodeo.  Close to 100 children (and their parents) learned about bike safety as they went through the safety stations at Lake School Administration Building on North Boulevard.  The kids had their bicycles checked for mechanical safety and their bike helmets examined for proper fit.  Thanks to Wal-Mart and Tomichi Cycles, bike helmets were provided to those kids unable to afford one.  Thanks to these two GREAT SPONSORS of the event!

In addition, close to 30 volunteers manned the stations around the course!  Thanks to each and every one of them, the young participants learned how to merge safely in traffic, watch out for other vehicles and obstacles on the road, ride properly in the City bike lanes, stop and start as needed and practiced safe riding on the obstacle course.  It was a educational and fun time!

The Bike Safety Rodeo was the start of many, many upcoming bicycle events in Gunnison this summer.  Stay tuned for updates.  Have a great spring everyone! 
Cedar waxwings are in town for a spring crabapple feast

Thursday, January 2, 2014


HAPPY NEW YEAR from the City Council and employees of the City of Gunnison to all of the citizens and visitors of our fantastic community!  We hope your 2014 is fantastic!  

Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Winter Recreation

The Gunnison Parks & Recreation WINTER RECREATION PROGRAMS will be starting SOON!
Classes strarting next week, the week of January 6th, include FUNducation, recreation cross country skiing, adult ice sakting, youth ice skating, Tae-Kwon-Do, Kid's Cooking Afterschool Culinary Club with Mountain Roots, and aerial classes!
Classes starting the week of January 13th include, gymnastics, rock climbing, Kingston Swim Club, swimming lessons, Mite and Pee Wee basketball, 4th - 6th grade boys and girls basketball, 3rd - 6th grade youth volleyball, Pee Wee freestyle Duster wrestling, play 60 and cheerleading.

There is something for everyone!  Try something new!  Spaces are filling up so sign up soon to reserve your spot.  To register call 641-8060, stop by the Community Center at 200 East Spencer, or visit the website at www.gunnisonrec.com  Get out and enjoy the winter! 

Monday, December 30, 2013

New Year's Eve Celebration

To help usher out 2013 and light the way for 2014, there will be a FREE Torchlight Parade starting at 5:30pm, Tuesday, December 31st at Cranor Ski Hill.
If you'd like to help celebrate the New Year, bring your ski or snowboard gear, wear warm clothes and join in the festivities.  Bring a headlamp or flashlight for your "torch".  Coffee and hot chocolate will be provided! 
Happy New Year Everyone!